Title: Mechanical Components
Hours: 12
Credits: 4
Teachers: Francesco Becchi and David Corsini (Telerobot S.r.l.)
Program: Electirc Motors, gearboxes, transmissions and sensors.
7/6, 14:30-18:30 -> Visit to Telerobot, Group A
11/6, 9:00-13:00
14/6, 14:30-18:30 lesson cancelled19/6, 14:30-18:30 -> Visit to Telerobot, Group B
26/6, 14:30-18:30
Where: Italian Institute of Technology, via Morego 30 -- 3rd floor.
Slides and videos:
Title: Mechanical Technologies and Robots
Hours: 12
Credits: 4
Teachers: Francesco Becchi and David Corsini (Telerobot S.r.l.)
Program: Materials, Machining, Industrial Robots, Advanced humanoid mechanics, James and iCub
31/5, 14:30-18:30
21/6, 14:30-18:30 lesson cancelled
28/6, 14:30-18:30
7/3, 9:00-13:00
Where: Italian Institute of Technology, via Morego 30 -- 3rd floor.