Programma del Corso
Sistemi Intelligenti Naturali e Artificiali

Anno Accademico 2004-2005
Docente: Giulio Sandini

1. Lo Studio dell'Intelligenza

  1. Cos'è l'intelligenza? [Khalfa, 1994] è definibile?
  2. L`intelligenza visiva [Gregory, 1994]
  3. Evoluzione dell'intelligenza [Mackintosh, 1994] [Lewis, 1992]
  4. Intelligenza nel neonato [Butterworth, 1994]
  5. Intelligenza artificiale [Brooks, 1991b][Birnbaum, 1991][Kirsh, 1991][Brooks, 1991a][Schank and Birnbaum, 1994][Minsky and Papert, 1972]

2. Il Sistema Nervoso

1.      Metodologie per lo studio del sistema nervoso e del comportamento animale:anatomia, fisiologia, farmacologia, psicologia e psicofisica, modellistica e simulazione.
2.      Cervello e comportamento [Sacks, 1986] [Kandel et al., 1995] (Capitolo 1)
3.      Basi nervose del comportamento [Kandel et al., 1995] (Capitolo 2)
4.      Il sistema nervoso centrale dell'uomo [Kandel et al., 1995] (Capitolo 5) e i sistemi sensoriali [Kandel et al., 1995] (Capitolo 20) [Calvino, 1995]
5.      Basi neuronali dei processi cognitivi [Kandel et al., 1995] (Capitolo 18)
6.      Le emozioni (relazione fra stati cognitivi e fisiologici) [Kandel et al., 1995] (Capitolo 32)


3. Percezione Visiva e Interazione Sensori-Motoria

  1. Sistema visivo [Schiffman, 1996] (Capitoli 3 e 4)
  2. Elementi di base della percezione visiva [Schiffman, 1996] (Capitoli 6 e 7)
  3. Percezione del moto e stereo visione [Schiffman, 1996] (Capitoli 8 e 9)
  4. Le illusioni visive [Schiffman, 1996] (Capitolo 10)
  5. Lo sviluppo del sistema nervoso ([Kandel et al., 1995] Capitolo 6) e della percezione visiva [Schiffman, 1996] (Capitolo 11).
  6. Paradigma percezione/azione (Purposive Behaviors) [Aloimonos, 1993]


Riferimenti Bibliografici

Aloimonos, 1993
Aloimonos, Y., editor (1993). Active Perception. Lawrence Erlbaum.
Brooks, 1986
Brooks, R. A. (1986). Achieving artificial inteligence through building robots. AI-Memo 899, MIT AI-Lab.
Brooks, 1990
Brooks, R. A. (1990). Elephants don't play chess. In Maes, P., editor, Designinig Autonomous Agents. MIT Press.
Brooks, 1991a
Brooks, R. A. (1991a). Intelligence without reason. AI-Memo 1293, MIT AI-Lab.
Brooks, 1991b
Brooks, R. A. (1991b). Intelligence without representation. Artificial Intelligence, 47:139-159.
Brooks and Stein, 1993
Brooks, R. A. and Stein, L. A. (1993). Building brains for bodies. AI-Memo 1439, MIT AI-Lab.
Butterworth, 1994
Butterworth, G. (1994). Infant intelligence. In Khalfa, J., editor, What is Intelligence, chapter 3, pages 49-71. Cambridge University Press.
Byrne, 1994
Byrne, R. (1994). The evolution of intelligence. In Slater, P. and Halliday, T., editors, Behaviour and Evolution, chapter 8, pages 225-265. Cambridge University Press.
Calvino, 1995
Italo Calvino (1995), Sotto il Sole Giaguaro, Mondadori
Gazzaniga, 1996
Gazzaniga, M. S. (1996). The Cognitive Neurosciences. MIT-Press, Cambridge.
Gould, 1993
Gould, S. J., editor (1993). The Book of Life. Norton and Company.
Gregory, 1994
Gregory, R. (1994). Seeing intelligence. In Khalfa, J., editor, What is Intelligence, chapter 1, pages 13-26. Cambridge University Press.
Kandel et al., 1995
Kandel, E. R., Schwartz, J. H., and Jessel, T. M. (1995). Essentials of Neural Science and Behavior. Appleton and Lange.
Khalfa, 1994
Khalfa, J. (1994). Introduction: What is intelligence? In Khalfa, J., editor, What is Intelligence, pages 1-12. Cambridge University Press.
Kirsh, 1991
Kirsh, D. (1991). Foundations of ai: the big issues. Artificial Intelligence, 47:3-30.
Lewis, 1992
Lewis, R. (1992). Il piu' grande uomo scimmia del Pleistocene. Adelphi.
Mackintosh, 1994
Mackintosh, N. (1994). Intelligence in evolution. In Khalfa, J., editor, What is Intelligence, chapter 2, pages 27-48. Cambridge University Press.
Maes, 1990
Maes, P., editor (1990). Designing Autonomous Agents. MIT Press.
Minsky and Papert, 1972
Minsky, M. and Papert, S. (1972). Artificial intelligence progress report. AI-Memo 252, MIT AI-Lab.
Sacks, 1986
Sacks Oliver, (1986). L'uomo che scambio' sua moglie per un cappello. Adelphi.
Schank and Birnbaum, 1994
Schank, R. and Birnbaum, L. (1994). Enhancing intelligence. In Khalfa, J., editor, What is Intelligence, chapter 4, pages 72-106. Cambridge University Press.
Schiffman, 1996
Schiffman, H. R. (1996). Sensation and Perception - An Integrated Approach. John Wiley &Sons, Inc., fourth edition.
Stenhouse, 1974
Stenhouse, D. (1974). The Evolution of Intelligence. Barnes &Noble.
Streri, 1993
Streri, A. (1993). Seeing, Reaching, Touching - The Relations between Vision and Touch in Infancy. MIT Press.

Materiale Video

  1. People of the Forest: The Chimps of Gombe, The Discovery Channel Video Library 1991.
  2. Thinking About Animal Minds, National Geographics Educational Videos 1996
  3. Stranger in the Mirror, WGBH Nova, 1993
  4. In Search of Human Origins, WGBH Nova, 1994
  5. Little Creatures Who Run the World, WGBH Nova, 1995
  6. Mistery of Animal Pathfinders, WGBH Nova, 1985
  7. Mistery of the Senses, WGBH Nova, 1995.
  8. Secret of a Wild Child, WGBH Nova, 1994

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