Visual Attention Priming Based on Crossmodal Expectations.
C. Beltran-Gonzalez, G. Sandini. IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2005), Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, August 2-6 2005 |
Tapping into Touch. E. Torres-Jara, L. Natale, P. Fitzpatrick. First
International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics, Nara, Japan. July 22-24, 2005 |
The RobotCub project an open framework for research in embodied cognition.
G. Metta, G. Sandini, D. Vernon, D. Caldwell, N.
Tsagarakis, R. Beira, J. Santos-Victor, A. Ijspeert, L. Righetti, G.
Cappiello, G. Stellin, F. Becchi. Invited paper to the
International Conference of Humanoids Robotics. Workshop on Dynamic
Intelligence. 2005 |
From sensorimotor development to object perception.
L. Natale, F. Orabona, F. Berton, G. Metta, G. Sandini.
In the International Conference of Humanoids Robotics. 2005 |
Anthropomorphic Visual Sensors. F. Berton, G.
Sandini, G. Metta. In the Encyclopedia of Sensors. Ed. C.A.
Grimes, E.C. Dickey, M. V. Pishko, American Scientific Publishers. Volume X,
pp. 1-16. |
A developmental approach to grasping. L. Natale, G.
Metta, G. Sandini. In Developmental Robotics AAAI Spring Symposium,
2005. Stanford, CA, March 21-23 2005 |
Epigenetic robotcis: modelling cognitive development in robotic systems.
L. Berthouze and G. Metta.
Cognitive Systems Research. Volume 6 Issue 3. September 2005. |
Object-based Visual Attention: a Model for a Behaving Robot.
F. Orabona, G. Metta, G. Sandini.
3rd International Workshop on Attention and Performance in
Computational Vision, San Diego, CA, USA. June 25, 2005 ("Best paper" award) |
The RobotCub Approach to the Development of Cognition:
Implications of Emergent Systems for a Common Research Agenda in Epigenetic
Robotics. G. Metta, D. Vernon, G. Sandini.
Epigenetic Robotics Workshop, Nara, Japan. July 2005 |
Exploring the world through grasping: a developmental
approach. L. Natale, F. Orabona, G. Metta, G.
Sandini. In 6th CIRA Symposium, Espoo, Finland.
June 27-30, 2005 |
Object-based Model of the Visual Attention for Imitation.
F. Orabona. At the Eighteenth
Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2005),
Whistler, B.C, Canada, December 17, 2005 |
RobotCub: An Open Framework for Research in Embodied
Cognition. G. Sandini, G. Metta, D.
Vernon. International Conference on Humanoid
Robots (Humanoids 2004), Los Angeles, California, USA, November 10-12,2004 |
The fouth International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics.
L. Bethouze, G. Metta. The 4th Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics.
Genoa, Italy. August 25-27,2004 |
RobotCub: An Open Research Initiative in Embodied Cognition.
G. Sandini, G. Metta, D. Vernon. The
Third International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL '04), La
Jolla, California, USA - October 20-22, 2004 |
Learning to track colored objects with log-polar vision.
G. Metta, A. Gasteratos, G. Sandini. In
Mechatronics Vol. 14 (2004) pp. 989-1006 |
A process- based architecture for an Artificial Conscious Being.
R. Manzotti. In Seibt, J. (ed.), "Process
Theories. Crossdisciplinary Studies in Dynamic categories". Kluwer Academics
Publisher, 2004. pp. 285-312 |
Learning haptic representation of objects.
L.Natale, G.Metta, G.Sandini. In
International Conference on Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping. Genoa - Italy
July 1-2, 2004 |
Developmental Robotics: A Survey.
M. Lungarella, G. Metta, R. Pfeifer, G. Sandini. In Connection
Science. Vol. 15 Issue 4 (2003) pp. 151-190 |
A system to navigate a robot into a ship structure. M.
Vincze, M. M. Ayromlou, C. Beltran, A. Gasteratos, S. Hoffgaard, O.
Madsen, W. Ponweiser, M. Zillich. In Machine Vision and
Applications. Springer - Verlag 2003 |
Early Integration of Vision and Manipulation.
G. Metta and P. Fitzpatrick. In
Adaptive Behavior special issue on Epigenetic Robotics. Vol. 11 Issue 2 (2003)
pp. 109 - 128 |
Learning About Objects Through Action:
Initial Steps Towards Artificial Cognition. P.
Fitzpatrick, G. Metta, L. Natale, S. Rao, G. Sandini. In
2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
Taipei, Taiwan. May 12-17, 2003. |
An ontogenetic architecture for a conscious robot.
R. Manzotti. In Theories, edited
by Seibt, G., Kluwer Academics, 2003 |
Rappresentazione ed esistenza. R.
Manzotti, V. Tagliasco. In Sistemi Intelligenti (2003) |
Intentional Robotc. R. Manzotti.
V EBICC San Paulo, August
2003 |
An ontogenetic approach to consciousness.
R. Manzotti, B. Glatzeder. ISI 2003.
Copenhagen, July 24-30, 2003 |
La teoria della mente allargata. R.
Manzotti, V. Tagliasco. Riabilitazione Cognitiva, Vol. 4 Issue 1
- pp. 17 - 36
June 2003 |
What does "isomorphism between conscious representations and
the structure of the world" means? R. Manzotti, G.
Sandini. A commentary of Pier Perruchet and Annie Vinter, The SOC
as an alternative model of the mind. Behavioral Brain Science 2003 |
The whole world in your hand: Active and Interactive
Segmentation. A. Arsenio, P. Fitzpatrick, C. Kemp,
G. Metta. In 3rd International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics.
August, 2003. Boston, USA |
Beyond Gazing, Pointing, and Reaching: A Survey of
Developmental Robotics. M. Lungarella, G. Metta.
3rd International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics. August, 2003. Boston, USA |
Grounding Vision Through Experimental Manipulation.
P. Fitzpatrick, G. Metta. In
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Mathematical, Physical and
Engineering Sciences. Vol. 361 Issue 1811, pp. 2615 - 2185 |
Artificial Development Approach to Presence.
G. Metta, G. Sandini, L. Natale, R. Manzotti.
In proceedings of Presence 2003, Aalborg, Denmark . October 6 - 8, 2003
(abstract only). |
Learning to act on objects. L.
Natale, S. Rao, G. Sandini. In 2nd workshop on Biologically
Motivated Computer Vision (BMCV). Tubingen, Germany. November 22-24, 2002. |
OMNIVIEWS: Direct Omnidirectional Imaging
Based on a Retina-like Sensor. G. Sandini, J. Santos-Victor, T. Pajdla, F.
Berton - The First IEEE International Conference on Sensors (IEEE Sensors -
2002) . Orlando, Florida. June 11-14, 2002. |
Retina- like sensors: motivations,
technology and applications. G. Sandini, G. Metta - In Sensors and
Sensing in Biology and Engineering. T.W. Secomb, F. Barth, and P. Humphrey,
Editors. Springer-Verlag. 2002. |
Foveated active tracking with redundant 2D motion
parameters. A. Bernardino, J. Santos-Victor, G. Sandini. In Robotics and
Autonomous Systems 39 (3-4) pp. 205-221, 2002 |
Embodiment and complex systems. A
commentary on Barbara Webb: Can robots make good models of biological behavior?.
G. Metta, G. Sandini. Behavioral and Brain
Sciences 24 (6) pp. 1068-1069, 2001. |
Does Functionalism really deal with the
phenomenal side of experience?. A commentary on Kevin O' Regan, Alva Noe:
A Sensorimotor account of vision and visual. R. Manzotti,
G.Sandini. Behavioral Brain Sciences 24 (5) pp. 993 - 994, 2001. |
Why Physicalism and Constructivism Will
Never be Able to Understand the Mind. R. Manzotti, Psycoloquy,
13 (6), 2002.
Development of auditory-evoked reflexes:
Visuo-acoustic cues integration in a binocular head. L. Natale, G. Metta, G.
Sandini, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 39 (2) pp. 87-106,
PRONTO: a system for mobile robot
navigation via CAD-model guidance. A. Gasteratos, C. Beltran, G. Metta,
G. Sandini, Microprocessors and Microsystems - No. 26 pp. 17-26,
2002. |
Factors Affecting the Accurancy of an
Active Vision Head. A. Gasteratos, G. Sandini - 2nd Hellenic Conference
on Artificial Intellingence (SETN -02) Thessaloniki, Greece (Vol. 2308 - pp.
413-422) |
Learning Visual Stabilization Reflexes in
Robots with Moving Eyes. F. Panerai, G. Metta, G. Sandini -
In Neurocomputing, Vol. 48(1-4) pp. 323-337, 2002.
Better Vision through Manipulation. G.
Metta, P. Fitzpatrick. In Second International Workshop on Epigenetic
Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems. Edinburgh, Scotland. August 10-11, 2002.
(Vol. 11 - pp 109 - 128). |
Towards Manipulation- Driven Vision. P.
Fitzpatrick, G. Metta. In 2002 IEEE/RJS International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Lausanne,
Switzerland, Sept. 30 - Oct. 4, 2002. |
Better Vision through Experimental
Manipulation. G. Metta, P. Fitzpatrick.
In EPSRC/BBSRC International Workshop. Biologically Inspired Robotics: The
Legacy of W. Grey Walter. Bristol, UK. Aug. 14-16, 2002. |
Development of the "mirror
system": a computational model. G. Metta, L. Natale, S. Rao, G. Sandini. In
Conference on Brain Development and Cognition in Human Infants. Emergence of
Social Communication: Hands, Eyes, Ears, Mouths. Acquafredda di Maratea - Napoli.
June 7-12, 2002. |
Learning Visual Stabilization Reflexes in
Robots with Moving Eyes, F. Panerai, G. Metta, G. Sandini, In
Optic Flow & Beyond. Boston, USA - May 23, 2001. |
ROBVISION - Vision Based Navigation for Mobile Robots.
W. Ponweiser,
M. Ayromlou , M. Vincze,
C. Beltran,
O. Madsen,
A. Gasteratos. - International Conference on Multisensor Fusion
and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI'01) Baden - Baden,
Germany, 20-22 August 2001, pp. 109-114. |
ROBVISION - Vision Based Navigation for Mobile Robots.,
M. Ayromlou , C. Beltran, A. Gasteratos, O. Madsen, W.
Ponweiser, M. Vincze. 25th
Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (OeAGM),
Berchtesgadern, Bavaria, Germany, 7-8 June 2001, pp. 25-32
CAD based vision for guiding a mobile
robot, C. Beltran, M. Ayromlou, W. Ponweiser, O. Madsen, M. Vincze, A.
Gasteratos - In Advanced Concepts for Intelligent vision Systems - ACIVS
2001 pp. 13-17, Baden-Baden, Germany, July 30 - August 3, 2001. |
Disparity estimation in log polar images
and vergence control, R. Manzotti, A. Gasteratos, G. Metta, G. Sandini. Computer
Vision and Image Understanding. Vol 83. pp. 97-117, 2001. |
Intentional robots. The design of a goal
seeking, environment, driven, agent, R. Manzotti.
Unpublished PhD thesis, DIST- University of Genova, Genova. |
Development in Artificial Systems, G.
Metta, G. Sandini, L. Natale, R. Manzotti, F. Panerai. In EDEC 2001
Symposium at the International Conference on Cognitive Science. Beijing China,
August 27-31, 2001. |
Modeling neural sensori-motor development
in a humanoid robot, G. Metta, F. Panerai, G. Sandini. In X Conference
on Developmental Psychology, 22nd August 2001, Uppsala (Sweden). |
A System to Navigate a Robot into a Ship
Structure, M. Vincze, M. Ayromlou, C. Beltran, A. Gasteratos, O. Hoffgaard,
O. Madsen, W. Ponweiser, M. Zillich. in ICVS'01 Int. Workshop on Vision
Systems. 2001. Springer - Verlag Berlin - Heidelberg Vol. 2095 pp. 268 -
283. Vancouver, July 7 -8, 2001 |
A System to Navigate a Robot into a Ship
Structure, M. Vincze, M. Ayromlou, C. Beltran, A. Gasteratos, O. Hoffgaard,
O. Madsen, W. Ponweiser, M. Zillich. 4th International Conference on
Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR '2001) pp. 953 - 960. Karlsruhe, Germany,
September 24-26, 2001. |
Development and Robotics. G. Metta, G.
Sandini, L. Natale, F. Panerai. In IEEE-RAS International Conference on
Humanoid Robots. pp. 33-42: Tokyo, Japan, November 22-24, 2001. |
Model and Vision Based Pose Estimation for Mobile Robots.
O. Madsen, M. Ayromloy, C. Beltran, A. Gasteratos,
W. Ponweiser and M. Vincze. IASTED International Conference on
Robotics and Applications, Tampa, Florida, USA, 19-22 November 2001 |
On building a conscious being.
R. Manzotti, V. Tagliasco - Proceedings of In search of a science of
consciousness, Skovde (Sweden), 2001. |
Coscienza e Realtà. Una teoria della
coscienza per costruttori e studiosi di menti e cervelli. R. Manzotti,
V.Tagliasco, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2001. |
From Humans to Humanoids - G. Sandini, G.
Metta, L. Natale, F. Panerai, S. Rao e R. Manzotti. In Italy-Japan 2001
Workshop Humanoids A Techno-Ontological Approach - Tokyo, Japan. 2001. |
Sensory motor technologies: from biology to
artificial systems - G. Sandini, G. Metta, F. Panerai, L. Natale,
Manzotti. In Conference on Electroactive polymers and biosystems: new
direction in electroactive polymer materials for biomimetic and interactive
processes - "Il Ciocco" - Castelvecchio Pascoli pp. 139-141. |
Visuo-acoustic Cues Integration in an
Artificial Developing Agent - L. Natale, G. Metta, G. Sandini In
Workshop on Developmental Embodied Cognition (DECO 2001), 31st July 2001,
Edinburgh, UK. |
An Attentional System for a Humanoid Robot
Exploiting Space Variant Vision, G. Metta, in IEEE-RAS International
Conference on Humanoid Robots pp.359-366. Tokyo, Japan. Nov. 22-24, 2001 |
Sensorimotor interaction in a developing
robot, G. Sandini, G. Metta, L. Natale, F. Panerai, in Proceedings of
the First International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics pp. 53-60, Sep.
17-18, 2001 - Lund, Sweden. |
Development and artificial systems:
modeling sensori-motor behaviors in a humanoid robot. G. Metta, L. Natale, R. Manzotti, F.
Panerai, G. Sandini. In Fifth International Conference on Cognitive and
Neural Systems, CNS Boston (USA), May 29 - June 2, 2001. |
is it the right way towards humanoid robotics? G. Metta,
R. Manzotti, F.
Panerai, G. Sandini, IAS - 6, 25 - 27th July 2000, Venice, Italy. |
A biologically inspired developing robotic agent. G. Metta, F. Panerai, G.
Sandini. In Proceedings of SPIE, Boston (USA) November 2000. |
An advanced walking vehicle with autonomous navigation
capabilities. S. Galt, D. S. Cooke, G. Sandini,
A. Gasteratos, C. Beltran. 3rd International Conference on
Climbling and Walking Robotos, CLAWAR 2000, 2-4 October 2000, Madrid,
Spain. |
Babybot: A biologically inspired developing
robotic agent. G. Metta, F. Panerai, G. Sandini.
In AAAI Fall Symposium Symposium. Cape Cod (USA) Oct. 2000. |
image stabilization: a need for vision-based active robotic agents, F.
Panerai, G. Metta, G. Sandini, SAB 2000 Paris, France. Sep. 11-16,
2000. |
an artificial developing robotic agent, G. Metta, F. Panerai,
R. Manzotti,
G. Sandini, SAB 2000 Paris, France. Sep. 11-16, 2000. |
Incremental growing neural network and its application to robot control, G.
Metta, Carlevarino, R. Martinotti, G. Sandini, Intl. Joint Conference on
Neural Networks, Como, Italy. Jul 24-27, 2000. |
reinforcement learning features to the neural gas method, M. Winter, G. Metta,
G. Sandini, Intl. Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Como, Italy,
Italy. Jul 24-27, 2000. |
gas for function approximation: a heuristic for minimizing the local estimation
error, M. Winter, G. Metta, G. Sandini, Intl. Joint Conference on Neural
Networks, Como, Italy. Jul 24-27, 2000. |
nature, R. Manzotti, G. Metta, G. Sandini, Tucson
2000, Tucson, Arizona. 7-15th April 2000. |
Control for an Active Docking Behaviour based on the Rotational Component of
Log-Polar Optic Flow, N. Barnes, G. Sandini, ECCV 2000, Sixth European
Conference on Computer Vision, 26th June - 1st July 2000, Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland. |
3D Measurements with a High Resolution Stereo Head, A. Gasteratos, R.
Martinotti, G. Metta, G. Sandini, In First
International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, IWISPA 2000, pp.171-176.
Pula, Croatia. June
14-15, 2000 |
Learning VOR-like stabilization reflexes in robots, F. Panerai, G. Metta, G.Sandini,
8th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, (ESANN 2000), Bruges,
Belgium, April 26-28 2000. |
image processing in hardware, A. Gasteratos and I. Andreadis, Pattern
Recognition, Special Issue on Mathematical Morphology, Vol. 33, No 6, pp.
1013-1021, 2000.
- Visually guiding a walking robot through a ship structure, M. Vincze, M.
Ayromlou, S. Galt, A. Gasteratos, C. Gramkow, N. Hewer, S. Hoffgaard, O. Madsen,
R. Martinotti, O. Neckelmann,G. Sandini, R. Waterman, M. Zillich 1st
International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in
the Maritime Industries (COMPIT 2000). Potsdam/Berlin, Germany. Mar 30, Apr 4,
2000. |
Stabilization in Space-variant Binocular Systems, F.Panerai, G.Metta,
G.Sandini, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Special Issue on Biomimetic
Robotics, Vol. 30 No 1-2, pp. 195-214, 2000. |
Active docking based on the
rotational component of log-polar optic flow. N.M.
Barnes and G. Sandini. In ACCV2000 - Proc. Asian Conference
on Computer Vision, pp. 955-960. Taiwan, Jan. 2000. |
Direction Control for an Active docking
Behaviour based on the rotational component of log-polar optic flow. N.M.
Barnes and G. Sandini. In ECCV2000 - Proc. European
Conference on Computer Vision, Vol. 2
pp. 167-181. Dublin, Ireland, June. 2000. |
A Retina-like
CMOS sensor and its applications.G. Sandini, P. Questa, D. Scheffer, A. Mannucci.
Proc. IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2000),
Cambridge USA, 2000. |
Image Transmission with a Retina-like CMOS
Camera. G. Sandini, P. Questa, A. Mannucci, F. Ciciani, D.
Scheffer, B. Dierickx. IEEE Workshop on Charged-Coupled Devices and Advanced Image
Sensor; Nagano (Japan) pp. 41-43, 1999. |
A developmental approach to visually-guided
reaching in artificial systems, G.Metta, G.Sandini and J.Konczak. Neural
Networks, Vol 12 No 10 pp 1413-1427, 1999. |
Soft Mathematical Morphology: Extensions,
Algorithms and Implementations, A.Gasteratos and I.Andreadis.
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, P.W. Hawkes (Editor), Vol 110,
Ch. 3, pp. 63-99, Academic Press, San Diego, California, 1999. Abstract
(HTML) |
The Role of Emotions in Sensori-Motor
Learning, R.Manzotti, G.Metta, G.Sandini.
In 3rd International Symposia on Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Genova
(Italy), June 1-4 1999. |
An artificial
vestibular system for reflex-control of robot eye movements, F.Panerai,
G.Metta, G.Sandini. In 3rd international conference on Cognitive and
Neural Systems. May 26-29 1999 CNS Boston
University - USA. |
head-eye-hand coordination: a developmental approach. F.Panerai, G.Metta,
G.Sandini, R.Manzotti. In 3rd
international conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. May 26-29 1999 CNS Boston
University - USA. |
Aspects of multimodal
integration in artificial systems and neuroscience. G.Metta,
R.Manzotti, G.Sandini, X.M.Sauvan, F.Panerai. Second Research Conference on 3D sensory
and motor space: cortical neuronal mechanisms and Psychophysics of orientation
and motion in 3D space. Castelvecchio Pascoli (Italy), April 1999. |
Vision and motor
control: a bioengineering perspective. F.Panerai,
G.Metta, G.Sandini.
Workshop on Robust Vision and Industrial Application in Steyr. Austria,
May 1999. |
Multimodal integration and visuomotor
interaction in a primate-like robot.
F.Panerai, G.Sandini. Paper presented at the Workshop "Navigation in
Biological and Artificial Systems" in Tuebingen. Germany, 1999. |
Orientation constancy
in neurons of monkey visual cortex. X.M.Sauvan , E. Peterhans.
Visual Cognition, 6(1), 43-54. (1999). |
Are sense-specific reference frames so
mutually exclusive? X.M.Sauvan, (1999). Behavioral and Brian Sciences,
22, 337-338 |
Oculo-Motor Stabilization Reflexes:
Integration of Inertial and Visual Information, F.Panerai, G.
Sandini, Neural
Networks, Vol 11, No 7/8 Pag. 1191-1204, Special Issue on ''Neural Control and
Robotics: Biology and Technology. |
A developmental approach to
coordination in artificial systems. G.Metta, G.Sandini and J.Konczak. In
Proc. of IEEE Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics, San Diego (USA), 11-14
Oct 1998. |
Qualia and reality, R.Manzotti,
in Tucson III, Tucson, may, 1998. |
Emotion and learning in a developing robot,
in Emotions, Qualia and Consciousness, R.Manzotti,
G.Metta, G.Sandini, Napoli
(Italy), October 1998.
Early integration of retinal and
extra-retinal information: Recent results and hypotheses. X.M.Sauvan, (1998).
Reviews in the Neurosciences, 9,291-299. |
Linear vection as a tool to study the
visual control of self-motion. X.M.Sauvan, (1998). Vision in Vehicles,
Volume 6, edited by A.G. Gale et al. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 297-304. |
Dynamic Vergence using Log-polar Images. C.
Capurro, F. Panerai and G. Sandini, International Journal of Computer
Vision, Vol 24. No. 1, pp: 79-94, 1997. |
Strategies of visuo-motor coordination. G.
Metta, G. Sandini. In Mini-Symposium on Signal Processing in Infrared
Imaging Sustems, Grasmere (England), October 1997. |
Visual and Inertial Integration for Gaze
Stabilization. F. Panerai, G. Sandini. Proc. SIRS'97, Stockholm, 1997. |
Human Sensori-motor Development and
Artificial Systems. G. Sandini, G. Metta, J. Konczak. Proc.
AIR&IHAS'97, Japan, 1997. |
Artificial Systems and Neuroscience.
Sandini. Proc. of the Otto and Martha Fischbeck Seminare on Active Vision,
Berlin, 1997. |
Embedded Visual Behaviors for Navigation J.
Santos-Victor and G. Sandini Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol 19
No.3-4, pp:299-313, 1997. |
Visual Behaviors for Docking J.
Santos-Victor and G. Sandini Computer Vision and Image Processing, Vol. 67
No. 3, pp 223-238, 1997. |
New Developments in Low-bit Rate
Videotelephony for People Who are Deaf. W.W. Woelders and
H.W. Frowein and J.
Nielsen and P. Questa and G. Sandini. Journal of Speech, Language and
Hearing Research, Dec. 1997. |
Robust visual servoing in 3D reaching
tasks. E. Grosso, G. Metta, A. Oddera, and G. Sandini. IEEE Trans.
Robotics and Automation, 12(8):732-742, October 1996. |
Visuo-Motor Coordination for Advanced
Robotics, C. Capurro and F. Panerai and E. Grosso and G. Sandini, 6th
ISIR International Symposium on Industrial Robotic, Milan - Italy, 1996 |
The agrobot project. G.
Sandini, F. Buemi, M. Massa, and G. Costi. Adv. Space Research, 18(1/2):185-196, 1996. |
Uncalibrated obstacle detection using
normal flow. J. Santos-Victor and G. Sandini. Machine Vision and
Applications, 9:130-137, 1996. |
Active vergence and tracking using
log-polar images. C. Capurro, F. Panerai, and G.
Sandini. In Proc. Int.
School of Biocybernetics, Ischia, Ottobre 1996. |
Dynamic vergence. C.
Capurro, F. Panerai, and G. Sandini. In Proc. Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems, Osaka - Japan, November 1996. JRS-IEEE. |
Fusion based vergence and tracking. C.
Capurro, F. Panerai, and G. Sandini. In Proc. 4th International Symposium
on Intelligent Robotic Systems, July 1996. |
Vergence and tracking fusing log-polar
images. C. Capurro, F. Panerai, and G. Sandini. In Proc. International
Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vienna, August 1996. |
A field-based approach to visuo-motor
coordination. F. Gandolfo, G. Sandini, and E. Bizzi. In Proc. Workshop
on sensorimotor coordination: amphibians, models, and comparative studies,
Sedona, Arizona USA, 1996. |
Time to contact computation with a
space-variant retina-like c-mos sensor. P. Questa and G.
Sandini. In
Proc. Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Osaka - Japan, November
1996. JRS-IEEE. |
Image-based personal communication using an
innovative space-variant cmos sensor. G. Sandini and
et.al. In Proc.
Roman '96, Tsukuba, Japan, November 1996. |
Sensing Group Report, G. Sandini and Y.
Yamada and D.M. Wilkes and M. Bishay, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 1996. |
Manipulation Guided by Dynamic Fixation. C.
Capurro and E. Grosso and F. Panerai and G. Sandini. Rosenon Workshop on
Computational Vision, Stockholm - Sweden, 1995 |
Active/dynamic stereo vision, E.
M. Tistarelli, IEEE Tr. on PAMI 17, 11 (November 1995). |
Computation of optical flow and its
derivatives from local differential constraints, M.
Tistarelli, In
"Proc. of Intl. Symposium on Computer Vision" (Miami (FL), November
21-23, 1995), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 19-24. |
A space-variant approach to oculomotor
control, R. Manzotti, E. Grosso, R. Tiso, G. Sandini, In "IEEE
Int. Symposium on Computer Vision" (Coral Gables, Florida, November 1995). |
Quality control of agro-food products using
colour and shape parameters, F. Buii, G. Calvini, M.
Massa, G. Sandini.
In "Proc.of 4th IARP Workshop on Robotics in Agriculture and the Food
Industry, Toulouse, (France)" (October 1995), pp. 23-35. |
Agrobot: A robotic system for greenhouse
operations, F. Buemi, M. Massa, G. Sandini. In "Proc.of 4th IARP
Workshop on Robotics in Agriculture and the Food Industry, Toulouse,
(France)" (October 1995), pp. 172-184. |
Docking behavior via active perception, J.
Santos Victor, G. Sandini In "Proc. SIRS-95" (Pisa - Italy,
1995). |
Visual based obstacle detection: a
purposive approach using the normal flow, J. Santos Victor, G. Sandini.
In "Proc. of the Int. Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems" (Karlsruhe,
Germany, 1995). |
Coordinated motion control of a head-eye
system, G. Cannata, G. Casalino, E. Grosso. In "IEEE Int.
Conference on Advanced Robotics" (Barcellona, Spain, September 1995). |
Computation of coherent optical flow by
using multiple constraints, M. Tistarelli In "Proc. of 5th Intl.
Conference on Computer Vision" (Boston (MA), June 20-23, 1995), E. Grimson,
Ed., IEEE Computer Society, pp. 263--268. |
Space variant sensing for personal
communication and remote monitoring, F. Ferrari, J. Nielsen, P. Questa and
G. Sandini, Proc. of the EU-HCM Smart Workshop, 27-28 April 1995, Lisbon,
Portugal. |
Space variant imaging, F. Ferrari, J.
Nielsen, P. Questa and G. Sandini, Sensor Review Vol. 15, issue N. 2, pages
17-20, 1995. |
Space variant vision for an active camera
mount, F. Panerai, C. Capurro and G. Sandini, Proc. SPIE AeroSense95,
Orlando, Florida USA, April 1995. |
Camera self orientation and docking
maneuver using normal flow, P. Questa, E. Grossmann and G.
Proc. SPIE AeroSense95, Orlando, Florida USA, April 1995. |
Divergent Stereo for Robot Navigation: A
Step Forward to a Robotic Bee, J. Santos-Victor and G. Sandini and F.
Curotto and S. Garibaldi, International Journal of Computer Vision
14", 2 (1995). |
Control of a steerable camera with
variable zoom. G.Metta and D.C.Hogg .In
Proceedings of the EU-HCM SMART Workshop, Lisbon (Portugal), 27-28 April
1995. |
Mobile Robot Control Tasks Using
Qualitative Image Measures and a Behavior-Based Approach, M. Salganicoff and
L. Bogoni and J. Kosecka and J. Mendelsohn and R. Bajcsy and G. Sandini,
Proc. AAAI Spring Symposium Series,1994. |
Application of Optical Flow for Automated
Overtaking Control, M. Tistarelli, F. Guarnotta, D.
Rizzieri, F. Tarocchi. Proc.
of IEEE Intl. Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Sarasota (FL),
November 5-7, 1994. |
The Agrobot Project for Greenhouse
Automation, The Agrobot Consortium, Acta Horticulturae, number 361, pp.
85-92, 1994. |
Learning Mobile Robot Navigation : A
Behavior-Based Approach J.Nielsen, G.Sandini, IEEE Int. Conf. on
Systems, Men and Cybernetics, San Antonio, Texas, October 1994. |
Trajectory planning and real-time control
of an autonomous mobile robot equipped with vision and ultrasonic sensors, C.Innocenti,
G.Mondino, P.Regis, G.Sandini. Proc. IROS'94, Munich, September 12-16, 1994. |
Cellular Robotics: Behaviour in Polluted
Environments, L.Buscemi, M.Prati, G.Sandini. 2nd International Symposium
on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems, Saitama, Japan, July 14-16, 1994. |
Recognition by Using an
Active/Space-Variant Sensor, M.Tistarelli, Proc. of IEEE Intl.
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 833-837, Seattle
(WA), June 21-23 1994. |
Analysis of Human Organs Movement in
Bioimages, M. Tistarelli, G. Marcenaro, F. Beltrame, Innovation et
Technologie en Biologie et Medicine, Vol. 15, N. 3, pp. 322-336, 1994. |
Multiple Constraints for Optical Flow, M.
Tistarelli, Proc. of "3rd European Conference on Computer
Vision", Stockholm, Sweden, May 2-6 1994. |
On Perceptual Advantages of Eye-Head Active
Control, E. Grosso and D. Ballard, Proc. of "3rd European
Conference on Computer Vision", Stockholm, Sweden, May 2-6 1994. |
Active Eye-Head Control, G. Cannata and
E. Grosso, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, May 1994, San
Diego, U.S.A. |
Why Purposive Vision, G. Sandini
and E. Grosso, CVGIP - Image Understanding, volume 60, number 1, 1994.
Reaching a moving target using optical
flow, M. Salganicoff, G.Metta, A. Oddera and G.Sandini, Spring Workshop
1994, New York, N.C, April 1994.
The Vision System for the Agrobot Project F.
Buemi, M. Magrassi, A. Mannucci, M. Massa, G. Sandini Proc. of ASA E 5th
International Conference on Computers in Agriculture, Orlando (Florida),
February 1994.
Robots and Biological Systems: Towards a
New Bionics, P. Dario, G. Sandini and P. Aebischer, volume Series F:
Computer and Systems Sciences Vol. 102, Springer-Verlag, 1993.
Vision during action, G. Sandini and F.
Gandolfo and E. Grosso and M. Tistarelli, Active Perception, Ed. Y.
Aloimonos, pub. L. Erlbaum Ass. Inc., 1993.
A direct approach to vision guided
manipulation, M. Salganicoff, G.Metta, A. Oddera and
G.Sandini, International
Conference an Advanced Robotics}, Tokyo, Japan, November 1-2, 1993. |
Optical Flow Computation on Heart Images:
Comparison Between Normal and Pathological Data, G.
Marcenaro, M. Tistarelli,
F. Beltrame, M. Fato, R. Gatto, A. Rollandi, Proc. of IEEE 15th Intl.
annual Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego
(CA), Oct. 1993.
A vison-based learning method for pushing
manipulation, M. Salganicoff, G.Metta, A. Oddera and
G.Sandini, AAAI
Fall Symposium Series: Machine Learning in Vision: What Why and How? , Raleigh,
N.C.,October 22-24, 1993. |
Active/Space-Variant Recognition, M.
Tistarelli, E. Grosso, and G. Sandini, Proc. of 5th UNB Artificial
Intelligence Conference, Fredericton, Canada, pp. 61-72, August 1993.
A Binocular Active Vision System Using
Space Variant Sensors: Exploiting Autonomous Behaviors for Space Applications, C.
Capurro, F. Panerai, E. Grosso, G. Sandini, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Digital
Signal Processing, Nicosia, July 1993. |
Robotic bees, J. Santos-Victor, G.
Sandini, F. Curotto, and S. Garibaldi. Proc. IROS-93, Yokohama, Japan, July
1993. |
Gradient Driven Self-Organizing Systems, G.
Sandini, G. Lucarini, M. Varoli, Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and
Systems '93 (Atlanta, U.S.A, July 1993). |
The role of vision in two-arms
manipulation, G. Sandini, F. Gandolfo, G. Metta and A. Oddera. IEEE
Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, New
York, N.Y., June 15-18, 1993.
Sistema integrato visione-ultrasuoni per
robot di mungitura, G. Sandini, P. Dario, B. Allotta, F.
Buemi, M. Cattaneo,
F. Fanizza and M. Massa, Proc. Conferenza su: Il ruolo dell'Ingegneria per
l'Agricoltura del 2000 (italian language), Maratea, June 7-11, 1993.
Active/Dinamic Stereo: a General Framework,
E. Grosso and M. Tistarelli, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and
Pattern, New York, NY,June 1993.
Divergent stereo for robot navigation:
Learning from bees, J. Santos-Victor, G. Sandini, F.
Curotto, and S.
Garibaldi. Proc. CVPR-93, New York, U.S.A., June 1993.
Human Organs Movement Analysis by Optical
Flow in Biomedical Images, F. Beltrame, G. Marcenaro, M.
Tistarelli, Proc.
of 2nd ESEM European Conference on Engineering and Medicine, Stuttgart
(Germany), April 25-28 1993.
On the advantages of polar and log-polar
mapping for direct estimation of time-to-impact from optical flow, M.Tistarelli
and G.Sandini. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 15 No.
4:401--410, April 1993.
Cellular Robotics: Simulation and HW
Implementation, G. Lucarini M. Varoli, R. Cerutti and G.
Sandini, IEEE
Conf. Robotics & Automation (Tsuchura, Japan, May 1993). |
Head-Centered Orientation Strategies in
Animate Vision, E. Grosso and D.H. Ballard, 3rd
Conference on Computer Vision, Berlin, May 11-14, 1993.
A Reinforcement Supervise Navigation Neural
Net, G. Lucarini, P.Moras so, M. Varoli, Italian Workshop on Neural
Networks (Vietri sul Mare, Italy , April 1993). |
A Direct Approach to Vision Guided
Manipulation, M. Salganicoff, G. Metta, A. Oddera, G. Sandini. Proc. 3rd
Int. Conf. of Advanced Robotics, Tokyo, April 1993. |
Reaching a moving target using optical
flow, M. Salganicoff, G.Metta, A. Oddera and G.Sandini, AAAI Spring
Simposium, Stanford , CA, March 1993.
Multiple-Context Mobile Robot Control Tasks
Using DEDS, Qualitative Image Measures and Adaption, L.
Bogoni, M. Salganicoff, G. Sandini and R. Bajcsy, AAAI Spring
Simposium, Stanford ,
CA, March 1993. |
A Study of Knee Joint Biomechanics by using
Time Sequences of MRI Tomograms, G. Marcenaro, M.
Tistarelli, R. Buda, M. Marcacci, F. Beltrame, Biomedical Engineering, Application, Basis,
Communication. Vol. 5, No. 1, Feb. 1993. |