2003 |
Giorgio Metta, Giulio Sandini, Lorenzo Natale, Riccardo
Manzotti. Artificial Development Approach to Presence. In Presence 2003.
Aalborg, DK. Oct 6-8th, 2003. |
Max Lungarella, Giorgio Metta, Rolf Pfeifer, Giulio Sandini.
Developmental Robotics: A Survey. Connection Science. 15(4), pp. 151-190.
2003. |
Streri, A., & Gentaz, E. (2003). Cross-modal recognition of
shape from hand to eyes in human newborns. Somatosensory & Motor Research,
20(1), 11-16. |
2004 |
Gómez, G. and Eggenberger Hotz, P. “Investigations on the
robustness of an evolved learning mechanism for a robot arm”. In
proceedings of the 8th conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, 2004.
Tarapore, G., Lungarella, M. and Gómez, G. “Fingerprinting
Agent-Environment Interaction Via Information Theory”. In
proceedings of the 8th conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, 2004. |
Gómez, G. and Eggenberger Hotz, P. "An Evolved Learning
Mechanism for Teaching a Robot to Foveate". In proceedings of
AROB 9th Artificial Life and Robotics, Jan 28th-30th, 2004, Japan.
Valpola, H. (2004). Behaviourally meaningful representations from normalisation
and context-guided denoising. Technical Report, Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory, University of Zurich.
L.Natale, G.Metta, G.Sandini. Learning haptic representation of objects. In
International Conference on Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping. Genoa - Italy
July 1-2, 2004.
Eggenberger Hotz, P. and Gómez, G. (2004). “The transfer problem from simulation
to the real world in artificial evolution”. In Bedau, M., Husbands, P., Hutton,
T., Kumar, S., and Suzuki, H. (Eds.) Workshop and Tutorial Proceedings of the
Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems
(Alife IX). pp. 17-20 |
Gómez, G., Lungarella, M., Eggenberger Hotz, P., Matsushita, K., and Pfeifer, R.
(2004). “Simulating development in a real robot: on the concurrent increase of
sensory, motor, and neural complexity”. In Berthouze, L., Kozima, H., Prince, C.
G., Sandini, G., Stojanov, G., Metta, G., and Balkenius, C. (Eds.) Proceedings
of the Fourth International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive
Development in Robotic Systems. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 117. pp.
119-122. |
H. Valpola and J. Särelä. Accurate, fast and stable denoising source separation
algorithms. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Independent
Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2004), Granada, Spain, pp.
65-72, 2004. |
Streri, A. & Gentaz,E. (2004). Cross modal recognition of shape from hand to
eyes and handedness in human newborns. Neuropsychologia, 42, 1365-1369. |
NADEL, J. et al. . (2004). Toward communication: first imitations in infants,
children with autism and robots. Interdisciplinary Journal of interaction
studies, 1, 45-75. |
2005 |
L.Natale, G.Metta, G.Sandini. A Developmental Approach to Grasping. In
Developmental Robotics. A 2005 AAAI Spring Symposium. March 21-23rd, 2005.
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
F. Orabona, G. Metta, G. Sandini. Object-based Visual Attention: a Model for a
Behaving Robot. In 3rd International Workshop on Attention and Performance in
Computational Vision within CVPR, San Diego, CA, USA. June 25, 2005.
L.Natale, F. Orabona, G. Metta, G. Sandini. Exploring the world through
grasping: a developmental approach. In 6th CIRA Symposium, Espoo,
Finland, June 27-30, 2005.
Gomez, G., Lungarella, M. and Tarapore, D. (2005) Information-theoretic approach
to embodied category learning. Proc. of 10th Int. Conf. on Artificial Life and
Robotics. (AROB 10): Proceedings of the 10th Int. Symp. on Artificial Life and
Robotics, Beppu, Oita, Japan. pp. 332-337. |
H. Valpola. Development of representations, categories and concepts--a
hypothesis. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on
Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA 2005), Espoo,
Finland, 2005. |
J. Särelä and H. Valpola. Denoising source separation: a novel approach to ICA
and feature extraction using denoising and Hebbian learning. In AI 2005 special
session on correlation learning, Victoria, British-Columbia, Canada, pp. 45-56,
2005. |
J. Särelä and H. Valpola. Denoising source separation. Journal of Machine
Learning Research, 6:233-272, 2005. |
–month-old infants’s emotional state after non-contingent interaction. Infant
Behavior and Development |
NADEL, J., PREPIN, K., & OKANDA, M. (2005). Experiencing contingency and agency:
first step toward self-understanding? Interaction studies: Social Behaviour and
Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems, 6, 3, 447- 462. |
Manzotti R, An outline of an alternative view of conscious perception, TSC2005,
Copenhagen, 2005. |
Manzotti R. Villamira M. The "What" problem: the emergence of new goals in a
robot, 6th CIRA Symposium, Espoo, Finland, June 27-30, 2005. |
Manzotti R., Tagliasco V., From "behaviour-based" robots to "motivations-based"
robots, in "Robotics and Autonomous Systems", 51 (2-3), 175-200, 2005. |
Manzotti R. Tagliasco V, The What Problem: Can a Theory of Consciousness be
Useful?, in "Yearbook of the Artificial", (3), Peter Lang (Ed.), Berna, 2005. |
C. Beltran-Gonzalez, G. Sandini.
Visual Attention Priming Based on Crossmodal Expectations. In IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2005), Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada, August 2-6 2005 |
In press, submitted, etc. |
Gomez, G., Hernandez, A., Eggenberger Hotz, P., and Pfeifer, R. (in press). An
adaptive learning mechanism for teaching a robot to grasp. To appear in Proc. of
AMAM 2005. |
Tarapore, D., Lungarella, M. and Gomez, G. (2005). Quantifying patterns of
agent-environment interaction. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (accepted for
publication). |
L. Natale, F. Orabona, G. Metta, G. Sandini. Exploring the world through
manipulation: a developmental approach. Submitted to International Journal of
Humanoid Robotics. 2005. |
L. Natale, F. Orabona, F. Berton, G. Metta, G. Sandini. From sensorimotor
development to object perception. Submitted to the International Conference of
Humanoids Robotics. 2005. |
G. Metta, P. Fitzpatrick, L. Natale. YARP: yet another robot platform. Submitted
to International Journal on Advanced Robotics Systems Special Issue on Software
Development and Integration in Robotics. 2005. |
SOUSSIGNAN, R., NADEL, J., CANET, P., & GERARDIN, P. (submitted). Sensitivity,
not tiredness, accounts for 2-month-olds emotional changes during non-contingent
maternal behavior. |
(submitted). The effect of maternal mismatch between face and voice in
6-month-old infants. |
REVEL, A., & NADEL, J. (in press). How to build an imitator. In K. Dautenhahn &
C. Nehaniv (Eds), Imitation in animals and artefacts. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. |
Pascal Kaufmann and Gabriel Gomez (submitted). Developing Virtual Neural Tissue
for Real-Time Applications: Growth and Dynamics of Spiking Neurons. Submitted to
Neural Networks. |
Pascal Kaufmann and Gabriel Gomez (submitted). Brains for Robots: Virtual Neural
Tissue for Real-Time Applications. Submitted to the 9th International Conference
on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-9). |