This section constitutes also D2.6 and D2.7. Experiments are described in
Grasping objects
on the table |
The robot uses pretty much all
the modules developed within the project to grasp a toy laying on the
table. See D1.10 for details. |
Grasping objects
on the table |
The robot uses pretty much all
the modules developed within the project to grasp a small bottle. |
Grasping objects
on the table |
The robot uses pretty much all
the modules developed within the project to grasp a toy car. |
Grasping objects
on the table |
The robot uses pretty much all
the modules developed within the project to grasp a plastic duck. |
at the hand |
demonstration of the acquired body map. The robot uses the body map to
track its hand as it moves. |
at the hand |
The body map
is used to predict the position of the hand given a commanded motion. |
at the hand |
The body map
is used together with color information to detect the position of the hand
in the image. |
Reaching |
Reaching for
a visually identified object using the motor-motor coordination schema. |
Grasping |
exploration by grasping. |
Baltazar |
In this experiment we show one
of the main properties of the anthropomorphic kinematics. The position of
the third joint and the inverse kinematics used enables the robot to
orient the hand solely by setting the initial condition of the algorithm. |
Coordination |
In this experiment we show the
coordination of the head and hand. |
Imitation |
This experiment shows the
capability of Baltazar of mimicking human gestures. This video shows the
robot point of view when looking at the human experimenter. |
Imitation |
The robot process the image in
order to extract the background to be able to estimate the body, shoulder
and hand position. |
Imitation |
Using the visuo-motor map the
system is able to mimic a gesture. |
Grasping |
The hand is controlled to close
but because of the mechanical compliance the fingers adapt to the object. |
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Fadiga L, Craighero L, Fabbri
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