Natural and Artificial Intelligent
Systems website
(academic year 2010-2011)
A course for the bioengineering curricula |
Teaching: Giorgio Metta,
Lorenzo Natale, Volker Krueger, David Vernon
- Instructions for using the course mailing list
When and where
- Monday 10:00-12:00, room E2
- Wednesday 10:00-14:00, room B13
- Friday 10:00-12:00, room D1
Next exams
- Jan 10th 2011: DIST, building E, 3rd floor "auletta viola". 9am to 1pm.
- Feb 10th 2011: To be confirmed.
Exam instructions
The final exam will involve a practical and a theoretical part. The
practical part consists in a project on image processing and computer
programming. Projects will be assigned to students individually upon request. The theoretical part is an oral examination. Both parts contribute to the
evaluation of the exam and the final mark. Details and rules of the scoring are
described here.
Syllabus and lecture notes
- Oct 11th: Introduction to the course. Artificial sensors. (Lorenzo
Natale) -pdf-.
- Oct 13th: Image representation in C/C++. Introduction to OpenCV.
(Lorenzo Natale).
- Oct 15th: Digital images, color models (V. Kruger) -pdf-.
- Oct 18th: Point operations and histograms (V. Kruger) -pdf-.
- Oct 20th: Linear filters and convolution (V. Kruger) -pdf-.
- Oct 22nd: Edge Detection (V.Kruger) -pdf-.
- Oct 25th: Morphological operators (V.Kruger).
- Oct 27th: Background Subtraction and non-parametric (Color) models
- Oct 29th: Parametric (Color) Models (Gaussian Mixture Model), k-means,
introduction to Tracking (V.Kruger).
- Nov 3rd: Kalman Filter (V.Kruger).
- Nov 5th: Automatic thresholding (Otsu metod) and Hough transform
(Lorenzo Natale) -pdf1-, -pdf2-.
- Nov 8th: Image pyramids (Lorenzo Natale) -pdf-.
- Nov 10th: Practical programming, image decomposition and reconstruction
using Laplacians Pyramids (Lorenzo Natale).
- Nov 15th: Interest points Moravec and Harris corner detectors (Lorenzo
Natale) -pdf-.
- Nov 17th: Tracking feature points, Lucas-Kanade-Tomasi method. (Giorgio
Metta) -paper-,
-opencv implementation-.
- Nov 19th: Optical flow and detection of movement (Giorgio Metta) -pdf-,
- Nov 22nd: Logpolar images (Giorgio Metta) -pdf-,
-paper on logpolar images-, -paper
on retina-cortex mapping-.
- Nov 24th: What is Cognition? (David Vernon) -pdf
lecture notes-, papers for reading and discussion: -vernon-,
-mccarthy-, -varela-.
- Nov 26th: The Different Paradigms of Cognition (David Vernon) -pdf-.
- Nov 29th: Embodiment (David Vernon) -pdf-.
- Dec 1st: Development and Learning (David Vernon) -pdf-.
- Dec 3rd: Knowledge. (David Vernon) -pdf-.
- Dec 6th: Cognitive Architectures (David Vernon) -pdf-.
- Dec 8th: Philosophical Foundations of Cognition (David Vernon) -pdf-.
- Dec 10th: Research Challenges (David Vernon) -pdf-.
- Dec 13th: The Fourier-Mellin transform (FMT) and Optical Flow based on
the FMT (Giorgio Metta) -slides-,
-paper-, -paper-.
- Dec 15th: Logpolar Hough Transform (Giorgio Metta) -paper-,
- Dec 17th: Local features SIFT and SURF (Lorenzo Natale) -pdf-.
- Dec 20th: Image formation, Geometric Camera Model and Camera Calibration (Lorenzo Natale)
- Dec 22nd: Affine optical flow in Cartesian space and logpolar (Giorgio
Metta) -paper-, -paper-.
- G. Bradsky, A. Kaehler, Learning OpenCV, O'Reilly Media.
- London, Stone, Upton, Photography, Prentice Hall, 9th edition, March
- Forsyth and Ponce, Computer Vision A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall,
- E.R. Kandel, J.H. Schwartz, and T.M. Jessell (Eds.), Principles of
neural science, Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
- M.W. Levine, J.M.Shefner, Fundamentals of Sensation and Perception 3d ed., Oxford University Press.
Program of the course in previous years:
Program a.y. 2005/2006 and
Program a.y. 2008/2009.
Last update
3 novembre 2010