Anthropomorphic robotics website
A course for the bioengineering curricula |
Teaching: Pietro Morasso, Giorgio Metta, Francesco Nori, Ugo Pattacini
- Previous semester home page: click here
When and where:
First semester: Wednesday 13-15 (room B6), Friday 14-16 (room B6).
Second semester: Wednesday 16-18 (room B6), Thursday 11-13 (room B6).
Next exams:
- Friday, Feb 5th, room E3, 9am-1pm.
- Friday, Feb 26th, room E3, 9am-1pm.
To contact Pietro Morasso:
To contact Giorgio Metta:
tel: 010-353-2946 or 010-71781411
email: pasa
(AT) liralab.it
To contact Francesco Nori:
tel: 010-353-2946 or 010-71781420
email: iron
(AT) liralab.it
To contact Ugo Pattacini:
tel: 010-71781420
ugo.pattacini (AT) iit.it
Mailing list: robotica
(AT) liralab.it
Use of the mailing list:
- general interest questions and requests
- additional requests about classes and exercises
- announcements about the course
- information exchange about the exercises
- limited to registered users (all students registered at the beginning of the
First semester (September-December): syllabus and lecture notes
- Sep 30th. Introduction to the course (2h), Giorgio Metta -slides
- Oct 2nd. Rotation matrices, elemental rotations, properties and
definitions (2h), Giorgio Metta. -ref, Sciavicco-Siciliano, chapter 2,
partial slides from older course-
- Oct 7th. Rototranslation matrices and forward kinematics (2h). Francesco
Nori. -ref, Sciavicco-Siciliano, chapter 2-
- Oct 9th. Forward kinematics, DH parameter representation with examples
(2h). Francesco Nori. -ref, Sciavicco-Siciliano, chapter 2-
- Oct 14th. Analytic examples of direct and inverse kinematics (2h). Ugo
Pattacini. -ref, Sciavicco-Siciliano, chapter 2. Example: iCub DH parameters.
- Oct 16th. Differential kinematics, derivatives of matrices, Jacobian,
singularities (2h). Giorgio Metta. -ref,
Sciavicco-Siciliano, chapter 3.
- Oct 21th. Differential kinematics, inverses of Jacobians, redundant
manipulators (2h). Giorgio Metta. -ref, Sciavicco-Siciliano, chapter 3.
- Oct 23rd. Iterative methods for solving inverse kinematics (2h). Ugo
Pattacini. - ref, Sciavicco-Siciliano, chapter 3. Note on the use of null
space approach to deal with joints bounds (Liegeois). Example: geometric
Jacobian of a 3 dof planar manipulator (3.2.1); singularity in the
transposed Jabobian of the anthropomorphic manipulator (3.4).
- Oct 28th. Basic modeling of single joint, DC motor, amplifier,
controller, PID (2h). Giorgio Metta. -slides-
- Oct 30th. Inverse differential kinematics, statics (2h). Giorgio Metta.
-ref, Sciavicco-Siciliano, chapter 3.
- Nov 4th. CANCELLED.
- Nov 6th. Solving an exam exercise (2h). Ugo Pattacini.
- Nov 11th. Manipulability, Dynamics, Lagrange formulation (2h). Giorgio Metta.
- Nov 13th. Dynamics, properties of the manipulation models (2h). Giorgio
- Nov 18th. Computing the dynamics of a two degrees of freedom planar
manipolandum: the Lagrange approach. Francesco Nori.
- Nov 20th. CANCELLED.
- Nov 25th. Dynamics: linearity of the dynamic parameters (2h). Francesco Nori.
- Nov 27th. Forward and inverse dynamics. Task-space models (2h). O Khatib
- IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, 1987 -paper-. Francesco Nori.
- Dec 2nd. Forward and inverse dynamics. Task-space models (2h). Francesco Nori.
- Dec 4th. Joint space control of a kinematic chain (2h). Francesco Nori.
- Dec 9th. CANCELLED(2h). Francesco Nori.
- Dec 11th. PD control with gravity compensation. Inverse dynamics
control. Robust control: first part (2h). Francesco Nori.
- Dec 16th. Robust control: second part. Adaptive control (2h). Francesco Nori.
- Dec 18th. CANCELLED. Francesco Nori.
- Jan 22nd. Extra lesson. Computing dynamics of simple 2DOF mechanisms -notes-. Francesco Nori.
Second semester (March-June): syllabus and lecture notes
- February 24th-25th. Neural control of movements (4h), Prof. Pietro Morasso -notes1-.
- March 3rd-4th. Neural control of movements (4h), Prof. Pietro Morasso
- March 10th. Passive Motion Paradigm,
GNOSYS Reasoning architecture
(Growing neural Gas, sensorimotor maps) Mohan Vishwanathan -notes3
- March11th.
Perception and Synthesis of 'Shape' - Catastrope Theory,
Application of PMP for Imitation, Teaching iCub to draw.
Mohan Vishwanathan -notes4 (4Mb)- -Ph.D.
- March 17th. CANCELLED.
- March 18th. CANCELLED.
- March 24th. Calculus of variations for solving the minimum jerk problem
(Francesco Nori) -notes-
- March 25th. Calculus of variations: theory and derivation of the Euler
equations (Francesco Nori) -notes-
- March 31st. Calculus of variations: optimal control problems -notes-
- April 1st and April 7th. Easter vacation.
- April 8th. CANCELLED (RBCS melting pot day).
- April 14th. The Linear Regulator Problem (Ugo Pattacini). -notes-
- April 15th. The Fixed-Final-State and Open-Loop Control. Derivation of the minimum-jerk trajectory as an optimal control problem
(Ugo Pattacini)
- April 21st. CANCELLED (Hannover-Genoa flight cancelled).
- April 22nd. CANCELLED (Hannover-Genoa flight cancelled).
- April 28th. Compliance control. -notes-
- April 29th. Impedance control. -notes-
- May 5th. Hybrid position/force control. -notes-
- May 6th. Grasp statics. -notes-
- May 12th. Force closure. -notes-
- May 13th. CANCELLED.
- May 19th. Muscle model and simulation, Jacobian of the muscle-limb
system. Giorgio Metta. -slides-,
- May 20th. Muscle model (spindle & Golgi tendon organs), limb stability,
force field control. Giorgio Metta. -slides-
Read also paper by Poppele & Bosco linked below.
- May 26th. Grasp planning for achieving force closure. -notes-
- May 27th. Kinematic grasping constraints. -notes-
- June 18th. Exercise. -notes-
Papers in connection to classes (please read them, they're typically
- M. Kawato.
Internal models for motor control and trajectory planning.
Current Opinion
in Neurobiology 1999, 9:718–727. -pdf-
R. Poppele, G. Bosco.
Sophisticated spinal
contributions to motor control
Trends in Neurosciences
Vol.26 No.5 May 2003 -pdf-
P. Borroni, M. Montagna, G. Cerri, F. Baldissera.
Cyclic time course of
motor excitability modulation during the observation of a cyclic hand
Brain Research 1065
(2005) 115 – 124. -pdf-
L. Fadiga, L. Craighero, G. Buccino, G. Rizzolatti.
Speech listening
specifically modulates the excitability of tongue muscles: a TMS study
European Journal of
Neuroscience, Vol. 15, pp. 399-402, 2002. -pdf-
- L. Fadiga, L. Fogassi, V. Gallese, G. Rizzolatti.
neurons: ambiguity of the discharge or ‘motor’ perception?
Journal of Psychophysiology 35, 2000. pp. 165-177 -pdf-
- G. Rizzolatti, M. Arbib.
Language within our grasp.
Trends of
Neuroscience. 1998. 21(5) pp. 188-194. -pdf-
- R.C. Miall, D.M. Wolpert.
Forward models of physiological motor
Neural Networks Vol 9, Issue 8, 1265-1279, 1996 -pdf-
Optional and extra material
- See the Cognitive Humanoids
website, the LIRA-Lab and the
RobotCub project home page.
- Part of the material presented in the second semester was taken from the
book "A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation" by Richard Murray,
Zexiang Li and Shankar Sastry available here -pdf-.
Problem sets (past exams):
June 2007: -pdf-
January 2006: -pdf-
outline of the solution -pdf-
attached data
sheet -pdf-
November 2005: -pdf-
outline of the solution -pdf-
attached data
sheet -pdf- -pdf-
2005: compito2005.pdf
2004: compito2004.pdf
- L. Sciavicco and B. Siciliano. Robotica Industriale. Modellistica
e controllo di manipolatori, seconda edizione. McGraw-Hill. 2000. ISBN
88-386-0874-1. (main textbook for the first semester, also English version
- R. Shadmehr and S.P. Wise. The computational Neurobiology of
Reaching and Pointing. MIT Press. Cambrige - MA. 2005. ISBN 0-262-19508-9.
(in particular, chapter 7 and 8)
- R.D. Klafter, T.A. Chmielewaski, M. Negin. Robotic Engineering, an
integrated approach. Prentice-Hall International Ed. 1989. (some
practicalities about robot control)
- Gazzaniga, M. S. The Cognitive Neurosciences. Cambridge:
MIT-Press. 1996.
- Kandel, E. R., Schwartz, J. H., & Jessel, T. M. Principles of
Neuroscience. Elsevier. 1991.
- Yoshikawa, T. Foundations of Robotics. The MIT Press,
Cambridge MA, London UK. 1990. ISBN 0-262-24028-9.
- Rojas, R. Neural Networks, Springer, 1996.
- Arbib, M.A. (1995) The handbook of brain theory and neural
networks. MIT Press.
- Bernstein, N.A. (1957) The coordination and regulation of
movement. Pergamon Press.
- Morasso, P., Sanguineti, V. (1997) Self-organization,
Cortical Maps and Motor Control. North Holland.
- Shepherd, G.M. (1998) The synaptic organization of the
brain. Oxford University Press.